No, we do not mean flower boxes here.
Seedbox is generally a dedicated server used primarily or solely for seeding BitTorrent data, as servers are often called as boxes the acronym seedbox is very well fitting. When mentioning seedbox it generally means seeding BitTorrent but seedboxes of other type exist as well for different filesharing Peer to Peer Networks. Pulsed Media offers BitTorrent seedboxes, using the rTorrent client.
Pulsed Media Seedbox service lines
2009+ Series is a basic value series of seedboxes, offering splendid value for money. 2009+ X2 Series is otherwise very similar to the 2009+ offerings except immense amounts of storage for lowest levels of cost per Gb. 2011 1Gbps series is high speed bursting option for those who regularly need very high speeds for short periods of time.
Seedbox types
Commercial seedboxes
Commercial offerings are usually highly polished and developed offerings with multiple ways to offer better convenience. With Pulsed Media you get an carefully crafted GUI, often nicknamed as the PM Master GUI along with extended features such as pulsedBox which brings your seedbox to the desktop.
Private seedboxes
Private seedboxes, as in operated by individuals for a group (friends, community or sharing a seedbox)are generally speaking using software of lowest entry barrier, meaning no frills basics due to the obvious availability limitation generally for the polished commercial interfaces. Individuals can opt however to use the PM Software Stack to bring many of the features of Pulsed Media seedboxes to their own servers.
Dedicated seedboxes
Dedicated server dedicated solely as a seedbox for single user. An high end, very high performance option.