Installing autodl-irssi

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Installing autodl-irssi

First we will be downloading, unpacking and installing autodl-irssi and putting it to autorun for irssi

Run commands below, line by line

cd ~/
mkdir -p ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun
cd ~/.irssi/scripts
curl -sL | grep -Po '(?<="browser_download_url": ")(.*-v[\d.]' | xargs wget --quiet -O
unzip -o
cp autorun/
mkdir -p ~/.autodl
touch ~/.autodl/autodl.cfg

Autodl-irssi should now be downloaded and unzipped to right place

Installing plugin for ruTorrent

Next we will need to install ruTorrent plugin for autodl-irssi for managing plugins

Run commands below, line by line

cd ~/www/rutorrent/plugins/
git clone autodl-irssi
cp autodl-irssi/_conf.php autodl-irssi/conf.php

autodl-irssi plugin for ruTorrent should now be installed


We will need to edit config for autodl-irssi itself and plugin

plugin configuration

Edit conf.php by running command below

nano ~/www/rutorrent/plugins/autodl-irssi/conf.php

Choose port and password randomly like in this example:

$autodlPort = 6457;
$autodlPassword = "Behy4ywsdgV";

(use ctrl + x to close editor, y to save changes)

autodl-irssi configuration

We will now edit autodl-irssi config to match port and password we just setup in plugin conf

Edit autodl.cfg by running command below

nano ~/.autodl/autodl.cfg

Match port and password to conf.php like in this example

gui-server-port = 6457
gui-server-password = Behy4ywsdgV

(use ctrl + x to close editor, y to save changes)

Running autodl-irssi

Finally we need to start autodl-irssi which should now start automatically with irssi. Run following command:

screen -dmS autodl irssi

Autodl-irssi should now be installed and running on your account. Login to your seedbox and look for autodl-irssi settings in top bar of ruTorrent